Sirena-Travel and Professional College "Moscovia" signed an agreement to provide trainings for the specialists in the transport sector.

The company "Sirena-Travel" announced the beginning of joint programs with higher and secondary specialized educational institutions for the training of specialists in aviation and tourism business. The aim of this ambitious program is to provide students and teachers of educational industry institutions the opportunity to use modern technology and developments in the field of airline’s resource management, booking tools, registration systems and etc.  It means to provide the most relevant information, to ensure application skills and improve the training quality of future specialists of airport services.
Trainings for college

Sirena-Travel CJSC and the State autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education, Moscow region "Professional College" Moscovia "signed an agreement on providing the access to the educational host of automated departure control system at the airport „Astra DCS. This will allow students to learn in practice the functionality of real resources, to obtain experience and knowledge that are necessary to operate with the system.

Thus the teachers of the college will be able to expand the educational training programs and to successfully implement them that, ultimately, will provide graduates the actual start knowledge, enhance the prestige and relevance of vocational training college. The future employer will hire the qualified professional, integrated already into the production infrastructure and business processes.

According to concluded agreement Sirena-Travel will provide the comprehensive support and advising on operating with an automated departure control system at the airport „Astra DCS", workshops for the teaching staff of the College and information support during the implementation of this system into the educational process.
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